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BTS Jungkook, V, and Jimin regain spot on brand ranking, ASTRO’s Cha Eun Woo dominates

The highly anticipated monthly brand reputation rankings for boy group members have been released. The Korean Business Research Institute unveiled the February rankings, with ASTRO’s Cha Eun Woo making a splashing entry to the top with the release of his new solo release, STAY. The True Beauty actor secured the second spot on the list, while several BTS members who were absent from the January rankings due to reduced activities also returned.
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As per the research council, ‘The consumer participation, media coverage, communication, and community awareness indexes of 724 boy group members were analyzed to determine the rankings.’ The top spot on the list was secured by the rising group RIIZE’s member Wonbin. On the second spot, we have Cha Eun Woo who recently made a comeback while announcing his solo venture.
Despite their military enlistment, BTS members have maintained a strong presence in the brand reputation rankings. Jimin secured the 10th spot, with Jungkook and V holding onto the 18th and 19th positions, respectively. RM followed closely in 25th place, followed by several members of SEVENTEEN.
Five out of seven members of RIIZE, namely Anton, Sungchan, Sohee, Eunseok, and Shotaro, have secured the top spot on the list. As a rising new group, they have recently been appointed as brand ambassadors for Louis Vuitton, a role previously held by BTS as a group.
The K-pop idol turned K-drama actor on February 15 debuted with his solo single STAY from his 1st mini album ENTITY. The album features a total of 6 tracks. Starring the talented American actress India Eisley, the music video for STAY unfolds as a cinematic masterpiece.
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